Author: The Outlaw Report
Ask A Stoner: Is It Bad To Smoke Weed And Drink Alcohol?
I’d be willing to bet that some of you stoners out there have knocked back a few cold ones while passing around a joint (pre-COVID, hopefully). Listen, you can do whatever you want. I’m not your dad. But as the resident stoner here at The Outlaw Report, I think it’s worth considering how cannabis and…
Ask a Stoner: What Are D.C.’s Most Unique Cannabis Strains?
If you’ve been to one of the District’s seven licensed medical cannabis dispensaries, you’ve probably wondered where weed strains like Orangutang and Mumbo Sauce got their bizarre names. Cultivators have been giving strains weird monikers since the early sixties and seventies, and the practice continues to be an important part of weed culture today. Some…
Ask A Stoner: What’s A 1:1 Cannabis Strain?
Every now and then weed just doesn’t hit quite right. All of a sudden, your heart is racing, your hands get clammy, and you may start to feel a bit anxious, distrustful, panicked — even fearful. THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, affects everyone differently, and it sometimes produces unpleasantly strong sensations, especially for…
Ask A Stoner: I Work In D.C., Can I Get Fired For Using Weed?
Ever thought about rolling one up before punching in to work? Or maybe you’ve snuck in a few puffs of your vape pen before heading back from your lunch break. However innocent this may seem to you, your employer might have a different opinion. And whether your employer tolerates cannabis use depends largely on where…
Ask A Stoner: What’s Delta-8 And Is It Worth It?
You’ve heard of it. You’ve read about it. Maybe you’ve even tried it. But what is Delta-8 THC? To me, it sounds like a screwed-up science experiment, as if the CIA was genetically engineering THC and one control group was called Delta-8. Maybe that’s just my sci-fi nerd brain, but you have to admit it…
Ask A Stoner: How Do I Get A Medical Cannabis Card In D.C.?
Cannabis. Weed. Ganja. Terms we all know colloquially, but for some, knowledge of the Devil’s Lettuce hardly extends beyond what they’ve seen in cult flicks like Pineapple Express. To help educate cannabis novices and experienced pot users alike, The Outlaw Report is launching Ask A Stoner, a weekly column that answers our readers’ most burning…