Quick Hit: West Virginia Democratic Candidates’ Normalization of Cannabis Act


At Democrat candidate for West Virginia’s House of Delegates Chris Yeager’s hemp farm in Mason County, West Virginia, fellow House candidate Rusty Williams introduced The Normalization of Cannabis Act and streamed it to Facebook.

Williams called The Normalization of Cannabis Act “the first piece of comprehensive cannabis legislation that we intend to introduce should we both be fortunate enough to win in November,” and proceeded to describe what it would do: Decriminalize cannabis and remove it as a Schedule I drug; expunge cannabis-related records dating back to 1937; release people incarcerated for cannabis charges; offer transitional services (“So we can help them with schooling, education, housing—anything that we can help with to get them back into society which is where they should be in the first place”); enable a framework for commercial sale of cannabis; protect 2nd Amendment Rights for those who use cannabis; remove cannabis from drug test screenings, and much more.

Yeager, along with another candidate, Hilary Turner, also spoke. You can read full details of The Normalization of Cannabis Act here and watch the full video about it below.

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