Quick Hit: The National Cannabis Policy Summit Is On September 10


On Thursday, September 10, the National Cannabis Policy Summit will be held. The third annual event is virtual this year and is also free to attend (you just have to register) giving those anywhere in the country who are interested in cannabis reform a chance to be part of the summit. The ability to attend a summit that for many is far away or doesn’t quite fit into their schedules is one of the few benefits of this strange Covid-19 moment and Outlaw Report readers should take advantage. 

Among the many panels is one panel titled, “The Conservative Case for Cannabis and Criminal Justice Reform” includes Grover Norquist and Reason editor-in-chief Katherine Mangu Ward, another on the MORE Act, and another on The Farm Bill and its connections to cannabis legalization. For Outlaw Report readers, there are a number of familiar names at the summit including Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who shifted cannabis policy in Baltimore when she announced her office would no longer prosecute cannabis possession charges; NORML’s Justin Strekal and Jenn Michelle Pedini (both recent guests on The Outlaw Report podcast); and Richmond, Virginia mayor Levar Stoney, who recently called for the legalization of cannabis. For the full schedule of speakers and panelists and to register for  the National Cannabis Policy Summit, go here.


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