Quick Hit: Move Over Andy Harris, Idaho’s Scott Grow is the New Enemy to Cannabis Reform


The Outlaw Report has spent plenty of time reflecting the general consensus among cannabis advocates when it comes to Maryland Representative Andy Harris: He is an enemy of cannabis reform. Harris, as we’ve discussed plenty of times, is why cannabis is legal in Washington D.C. but there is no regulated, commercial industry, has opposed to decriminalizing psychedelics on similar grounds, and while he supports medical research into cannabis he really only supports it because he thinks the research will show cannabis has very few medical benefits. Oh, and Democrats in Maryland are calling for his resignation following his ongoing—and entirely unfounded claims—that President elect Joe Biden maybe didn’t actually win the election.

We could go on. But we won’t because we want to highlight another enemy to cannabis reform: Idaho Republican Scott Grow. As The Idaho Statesman recently reported, Grow has just introduced a constitutional amendment in his state that would prohibit the legalization of psychoactive drugs. The legislation appears to be in direct response to growing acceptance of cannabis legalization and Grow is even carting out the old-fashioned, “think of the children” defense, claiming without evidence that, “Neighboring states have legalized controlled substances to the detriment of their children, families and communities.”

Idaho cannabis advocates can take their lead from Maryland and D.C. advocates who have seriously organized around opposition to Harris making his name synonymous with antediluvian stances on weed. And hey, Idaho advocates have the added benefit of Scott Grow having a weed pun-ready surname.

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