Quick Hit: Final Rule For Domestic Hemp Production Published


Back in January, the United State Department Of Agriculture (USDA) published its final rule on establishing its Domestic Hemp Production Program, as enabled in the 2018 Farm Bill. The rule allows both individual states and Indigenous tribes to begin domestically producing hemp and explains the requirements for record-keeping regarding hemp production, testing, plant disposal, hemp production licenses and more. 

“As part of the transition, USDA and many other agencies took the opportunity to review new and pending regulatory actions,” the USDA explained. “This is a routine process done at the beginning of new administrations to ensure longstanding as well as new programs are structured and resourced appropriately and to ensure programs are implemented to best serve their intended stakeholders.”

The final rule goes into effect on March 22. You can read more about it here.

Photo of hemp field by Rick Lohre via Shutterstock.

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