Quick Hit: Documentary ‘CBD Nation’ Now Streaming


Back in July, The Outlaw Report caught readers up with Rylie Maedler, a 14 year-old CEO who is best known for her and her family’s work years ago tirelessly fighting in Delaware to allow minors access to cannabis. When Maedler was seven, she was diagnosed with a degenerative bone disease that could result in facial deformity and seizures and her mother Janie, after learning that cannabis oil could facilitate bone regeneration and prevent seizures, became an advocate.

Delaware had medicinal cannabis back in 2011 but did not allow minors access to it. Rylie’s Law changed all of that and allowed juveniles with certain “intractable diseases” to be able to use medicinal cannabis on school grounds in the state. Next, Maedler said she wants to make Rylie’s Law a federal law. And in July, Maedler and her family began operating a hemp farm in Birdsnest, Virginia cultivating 25 acres of hemp: “The 4,884 plants that went in the ground on July 3 were donated by Front Range Biosciences, a Colorado agricultural biotech company, and will be used for research and to make CBD oil that will be donated to children in need,” The Salisbury Times reported.

Maedler is also featured in the recent documentary, CBD Nation (released on August 25) along with a number of medical professionals and advocates. The thoughtful doc nicely splits the difference between educating CBD novices and offering enough insight to engage those already in the know. CBD Nation is available via Amazon Prime, iTunes, and OnDemand. 

Find Licensed Dispensaries:

As unregulated shops close, you may be looking for a new regular dispensary. To find a legal and licensed medical cannabis provider, browse our map of ABCA licensed dispensaries approved to serve patients who are D.C. residents and non-residents. If you don’t have a medical certification, you can self-certify via the link below.


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