Quick Hit: Can Kamala Harris Convince a Legalization-Averse Biden?


You likely tuned into Sunday night’s episode of 60 Minutes to see President Donald Trump snipe and grumble at reporter Lesley Stahl and ultimately, get up and leave early because he claimed the questions were “unfair.” We have seen this all before with our man child of a president. What viewers might have also caught on Sunday night’s episode however, is Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris—who offers something like hope for cannabis legalization—suggesting she might be pushing Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden on the issue of cannabis legalization. Biden has been averse to full legalization, even as he has come around on issues of decriminalization and stigma-reducing approaches to drug enforcement.

“You supported the Green New Deal, you supported Medicare For All, you supported legalizing marijuana, Joe Biden doesn’t support those things,” 60 Minutes’  Norah O’Donnell said. “So are you going to bring the policies, those progressive policies you’ve supported as senator into a Biden administration?”

“What I will do, and I promise you this and this is what Joe wants me to do, this was part of our deal. I will always share with him my lived experience as it relates to any issue that we confront,” Harris answered. “And I promised Joe that I will give him that perspective and always be honest with him.”

While it is not a strident endorsement from Harris (it was also followed by an inane question from O’Donnell as to whether Harris will be proposing “socialist” ideas), it does frame Harris’ role as pushing Biden on certain issues including cannabis legalization. As The Outlaw Report has noted, if you are a single issue voter and that issue is cannabis legalization, it is only the Green Party and Libertarian Party candidates that are currently advocating for cannabis legalization.


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