Newsletter: D.C. sends 38 warnings out to gray market, Virginia launches system to track kids cannabis exposure


D.C. goes after gray market cannabis shops, over 30 shops warned

ABCA, D.C.’s cannabis regulator, has warned over 30 unlicensed retailers in its first step in attempting to smother the gray market so D.C.’s medical cannabis market can be successful. Warnings have been issued for shops on Georgia Ave NW, U Street NW, H St NE  and in Chinatown and Georgetown. Moosally said ABCA is looking to hire more cannabis compliance officers to help cover enforcement needs.

  • A slight zoning change in D.C. announced at the beginning of the month that increases where small manufactures and cultivators can locate.
  • Suspect arrested in murder of D.C. rapper at I-71 store.

Virginia launches system to monitor kids’ cannabis exposure

Virginia health officials are asking doctors and hospitals to track and report incidents of children and teenagers having negative reactions after exposure to cannabis products. This includes hospitalizations and situations where multiple minors experience similar problems. The state is concerned about these incidents and wants to gather more data to understand the issue.

East Coast Round Up

A new state report breaks down New York’s failed legal cannabis launch. It identified issues with the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM), including unclear regulations, a slow licensing process, and a lack of communication. These problems are especially harmful to aspiring social equity entrepreneurs. The task force proposed solutions to streamline the application process, improve communication, and prioritize equity to get the market on track.

  • Critics say that the report unfairly blames OCM instead of the legislature and governor.
  • The OCM director will step down in September.
  • NYC is stepping up enforcement.

A New York senator is criticizing the state’s partnership with a private equity firm to fund cannabis dispensaries aimed at helping those impacted by the war on drugs, arguing that the loans (some as high as $2 million) are predatory and will likely lead to business failures, putting the burden on taxpayers.

New Hampshire’s cannabis legalization looks rocky as the bill hits senate blocks.

Around the country

The First Church of Cannabis, founded in Indianapolis in 2015, uses religious freedom laws to operate as a church centered around cannabis. While they cannot consume cannabis during services, they hold discussions and promote cannabis’s positive effects.

Culture & More

Legal cannabis has its limits for heavy metals and contaminants, but a new study found the rolling papers themselves can contain heavy metals.

Facing economic woes, Pakistan gambles on a legal medical cannabis and hemp industry, aiming to crush the black market but raising questions about missing the global cannabis boom.

Thailand will reclassify cannabis as a narcotic by year-end, reversing its 2022 legalization of recreational use. This decision comes despite a booming domestic cannabis industry and concerns from businesses about lost revenue.

From the Swamp

The DEA administration head refused to answer questions from lawmakers about cannabis rescheduling.

The DEA also released a new report that downplayed the legitimacy of state-run medical programs by using quotation marks around terms like “legalized” and “medical.”

Sen. Dick Durbin told AskaPol that state and federal cannabis laws need to be reconciled.

Sen. Pete Ricketts told AskaPol that rescheduling marijuana is “an absolutely horrible idea. ”

The House cannabis banking bill received another sponsor for a total of 117.


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