Dear Outlaws,

Reporting on and following the D.C., Maryland and Virginia cannabis industry as your Editor-in-Chief the last few years has been full of twists and turns. We at The Outlaw Report aim to keep you updated on the most relevant, true and important facts of the DMV industry.

And we are doing a pretty good job of it. We hear the feedback from you everyday that our outlet is the backbone of your decisions. There is no other locally-focused cannabis news source in the area. We are very grateful to everyone who reads and engages with our content.

In the last year, we also took a gamble on our readers and launched a membership model in an effort to make our news outlet sustainable. News is not free to produce. Every story we break or map we assemble takes many invested hours of reporting and sifting through documents or hounding officials. Just keeping the lights on costs more money than we currently generate a month.

Instead of asking for donations, we decided to innovate and develop more features and services to support cannabis entrepreneurs and the community in the DMV.

Even a basic Pro Membership of just $10/month gives subscribers access to our exclusive D.C. license map, a compilation of all the data we’ve been tracking for the medical cannabis landscape here. Membership also includes instant alerts whenever we learn of new developments affecting the local market, before our coverage comes out.

For any business that is either involved in the local industry or provides services to cannabis startups, a $75/month Business Membership includes prominent top-of-mind advertising in our newsletter and throughout our website, getting exposure to tens of thousands of our readers on an ongoing basis.

For cannabis licensees, or those transitioning from unlicensed to licensed status in the medical market, we have developed specific perks to drive more traffic to your website and more customers to your business. And unlike major weed-finder platforms, we don’t want to middle-man your traffic: we want to support a thriving local industry by connecting our readers directly with the brands and retailers who support us. We announced these features earlier this summer and have since welcomed several business supporters, whom we appreciate immensely!

However, in order to keep the lights on, we need more participation from our readers. If you have ever used The Outlaw Report to help guide your cannabis industry decisions, please consider joining at whatever tier you can afford. We are invested in building up the cannabis community and that is why our new business membership features focus on marketing and community awareness for brands.

We care deeply about bringing uncensored, fact-based information to our cannabis community. We will forever appreciate our supporting partners who have demonstrated that they, in turn, care deeply about investing in local journalism that informs the public and holds regulators to their word. We know the cannabis industry can be full of uncertainty, but we are certain about one thing: we will continue to bring quality news to our readers and innovative features to help your businesses grow and our community become stronger and more resilient.

With that in mind, please consider signing up to become an Outlaw today. Thank you!

LJ Dawson


The Outlaw Report